Eduardo Lira-Diaz

Neuroscience Universidad de Colima, Colima, Colima, Mexico 
"Eduardo Lira-Diaz"
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Lira-Diaz E, Monroy-Rodriguez J, Gonzalez-Pedroza MG, et al. (2022) EGF-Coupled Gold Nanoparticles Increase the Expression of CNPase and the Myelin-Associated Proteins MAG, MOG, and MBP in the Septal Nucleus Demyelinated by Cuprizone. Life (Basel, Switzerland). 12
Lira-Diaz E, Gonzalez-Pedroza MG, Vasquez C, et al. (2020) Gold nanoparticles produce transient reactive gliosis in the adult brain. Neuroscience Research
Lira-Diaz E, Gonzalez-Perez O. (2016) Emerging roles of microglia cells in the regulation of adult neural stem cells. Neuroimmunology and Neuroinflammation. 3: 204-206
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