Jonathan Patrick

University of Nottingham, Nottingham, England, United Kingdom 
Visual system, psychophysics, neuroscience
"Jonathan Patrick"
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Patrick JA, Roach NW, McGraw PV. (2019) Temporal modulation improves dynamic peripheral acuity. Journal of Vision. 19: 12
Patrick JA, Roach NW, McGraw PV. (2017) Motion-based super-resolution in the peripheral visual field. Journal of Vision. 17: 15
Patrick J, Roach N, McGraw P. (2016) Temporal modulations enhance spatial resolution for dynamic stimuli Journal of Vision. 16: 1126
Patrick J, Roach N, McGraw P. (2015) Temporal subsampling counteracts motion-related visual acuity loss in the near periphery. Journal of Vision. 15: 285
Patrick J, Roach N, McGraw P. (2014) Visual acuity for static and moving targets in the periphery F1000research. 5
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