Barbara Schnierle

Paul Ehrlich Institute 
"Barbara Schnierle"
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Sliva K, Martin J, von Rhein C, et al. (2019) Interference with SAMHD1 restores late gene expression of modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) in human dendritic cells and abrogates type I interferon expression. Journal of Virology
Beck S, Henß L, Weidner T, et al. (2016) Identification of entry inhibitors of Ebola virus pseudotyped vectors from a myxobacterial compound library. Antiviral Research
Kraus B, Fischer K, Sliva K, et al. (2014) Vaccination directed against the human endogenous retrovirus-K (HERV-K) gag protein slows HERV-K gag expressing cell growth in a murine model system. Virology Journal. 11: 58
Dervillez X, Klaukien V, Dürr R, et al. (2010) Peptide ligands selected with CD4-induced epitopes on native dualtropic HIV-1 envelope proteins mimic extracellular coreceptor domains and bind to HIV-1 gp120 independently of coreceptor usage Journal of Virology. 84: 10131-10138
Zwilling J, Sliva K, Schwantes A, et al. (2010) Functional F11L and K1L genes in modified vaccinia virus Ankara restore virus-induced cell motility but not growth in human and murine cells. Virology. 404: 231-9
Kamp C, Wolf T, Bravo IG, et al. (2010) Decreased HIV diversity after allogeneic stem cell transplantation of an HIV-1 infected patient: a case report. Virology Journal. 7: 55
Sliva K, Schnierle B. (2007) From actually toxic to highly specific--novel drugs against poxviruses. Virology Journal. 4: 8
Siegert S, Schnierle P, Schnierle BS. (2006) Novel anti-viral therapy: drugs that block HIV entry at different target sites. Mini Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry. 6: 557-62
Sliva K, Schnierle BS. (2006) Stable integration of a functional shRNA expression cassette into the murine leukemia virus genome. Virology. 351: 218-25
Kremer M, Schnierle BS. (2005) HIV-1 Vif: HIV's weapon against the cellular defense factor APOBEC3G. Current Hiv Research. 3: 339-44
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