Andrew Foulkes

Mathematics Liverpool Hope University 
"Andrew Foulkes"
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Foulkes AJ, Rushton SK, Warren PA. (2013) Heading recovery from optic flow: comparing performance of humans and computational models. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 7: 53
Foulkes AJ, Rushton SK, Warren PA. (2013) Flow parsing and heading perception show similar dependence on quality and quantity of optic flow. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience. 7: 49
Rushton S, Foulkes A, Warren P. (2013) Perception with an eye for motion: seeing the world through a 3D motion filter Journal of Vision. 13: 763-763
Warren PA, Rushton SK, Foulkes AJ. (2013) Characteristics of the optic flow parsing mechanism for different simulated observer movements Journal of Vision. 13: 701-701
Foulkes AJ, Rushton SK, Warren PA. (2013) Speed tuning of optic flow parsing Journal of Vision. 13: 700-700
Warren PA, Rushton SK, Foulkes AJ. (2012) Does optic flow parsing depend on prior estimation of heading? Journal of Vision. 12: 7
Warren PA, Champion RA, Foulkes AJ, et al. (2012) Visual and non-visual contributions to perception of object movement during observer movement Journal of Vision. 12: 240-240
Foulkes A, Rushton S, Warren P. (2012) Effects of flow field noise and density on optic flow parsing Journal of Vision. 12: 235-235
Warren PA, Rushton SK, Foulkes AJ. (2011) Does assessment of scene-relative object movement rely upon recovery of heading? Journal of Vision. 11: 713-713
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