Jennifer Foss-Feig

Psychiatry Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States 
"Jennifer Foss-Feig"
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Gu X, Banker S, Schafer M, et al. (2024) Phenotypical divergence between self-reported and clinically ascertained autism. Research Square
Naples AJ, Foss-Feig JH, Wolf JM, et al. (2022) Predictability modulates neural response to eye contact in ASD. Molecular Autism. 13: 42
Kolevzon A, Levy T, Barkley S, et al. (2022) An open-label study evaluating the safety, behavioral, and electrophysiological outcomes of low-dose ketamine in children with ADNP syndrome. Hgg Advances. 3: 100138
Banker SM, Na S, Beltrán J, et al. (2022) Disrupted computations of social control in individuals with obsessive-compulsive and misophonia symptoms. Iscience. 25: 104617
Isenstein EL, Grosman HE, Guillory SB, et al. (2022) Neural Markers of Auditory Response and Habituation in Phelan-McDermid Syndrome. Frontiers in Neuroscience. 16: 815933
Levy EJ, Foss-Feig J, Isenstein EL, et al. (2021) Electrophysiological Studies of Reception of Facial Communication in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Schizophrenia. Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 9: 521-554
Jutla A, Foss-Feig J, Veenstra-VanderWeele J. (2021) Autism spectrum disorder and schizophrenia: An updated conceptual review. Autism Research : Official Journal of the International Society For Autism Research
Guillory SB, Baskett VZ, Grosman HE, et al. (2021) Social visual attentional engagement and memory in Phelan-McDermid syndrome and autism spectrum disorder: a pilot eye tracking study. Journal of Neurodevelopmental Disorders. 13: 58
Trelles MP, Levy T, Lerman B, et al. (2021) Individuals with FOXP1 syndrome present with a complex neurobehavioral profile with high rates of ADHD, anxiety, repetitive behaviors, and sensory symptoms. Molecular Autism. 12: 61
Banker SM, Gu X, Schiller D, et al. (2021) Hippocampal contributions to social and cognitive deficits in autism spectrum disorder. Trends in Neurosciences
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