Hélène Louvart

2002-2005 Université deLille 
"Hélène Louvart"
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Louvart H, Maccari S, Vaiva G, et al. (2009) Prenatal stress exacerbates the impact of an aversive procedure on the corticosterone response to stress in female rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 34: 786-90
Darnaudéry M, Louvart H, Defrance L, et al. (2007) Impact of an intense stress on ethanol consumption in female rats characterized by their pre-stress preference: modulation by prenatal stress. Brain Research. 1131: 181-6
Viltart O, Mairesse J, Darnaudéry M, et al. (2006) Prenatal stress alters Fos protein expression in hippocampus and locus coeruleus stress-related brain structures. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 31: 769-80
Louvart H, Maccari S, Lesage J, et al. (2006) Effects of a single footshock followed by situational reminders on HPA axis and behaviour in the aversive context in male and female rats. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 31: 92-9
Louvart H, Maccari S, Ducrocq F, et al. (2005) Long-term behavioural alterations in female rats after a single intense footshock followed by situational reminders. Psychoneuroendocrinology. 30: 316-24
Louvart H, Maccari S, Darnaudéry M. (2005) Prenatal stress affects behavioral reactivity to an intense stress in adult female rats. Brain Research. 1031: 67-73
Lesage J, Del-Favero F, Leonhardt M, et al. (2004) Prenatal stress induces intrauterine growth restriction and programmes glucose intolerance and feeding behaviour disturbances in the aged rat. The Journal of Endocrinology. 181: 291-6
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