Mehmet Can Demirler

2015-2021 Molecular Biology and Genetics Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey 
"Mehmet Demirler"
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Sireci S, Kocagöz Y, Alkiraz AS, et al. (2023) HB-EGF promotes progenitor cell proliferation and sensory neuron regeneration in the zebrafish olfactory epithelium. The Febs Journal
Kocagöz Y, Demirler MC, Eski SE, et al. (2022) Disparate progenitor cell populations contribute to maintenance and repair neurogenesis in the zebrafish olfactory epithelium. Cell and Tissue Research. 388: 331-358
Demirler MC, Sakizli U, Bali B, et al. (2019) Purinergic Signalling Selectively Modulates Maintenance but not Repair Neurogenesis in the Zebrafish Olfactory Epithelium. The Febs Journal
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