Erin M. Freed

Psychology University of California, Davis, Davis, CA 
"Erin Freed"
Mean distance: 19.12 (cluster 55)
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Long DL, Freed EM. (2021) An Individual Differences Examination of the Relation between Reading Processes and Comprehension. Scientific Studies of Reading : the Official Journal of the Society For the Scientific Study of Reading. 25: 104-122
Freed EM, Hamilton ST, Long DL. (2017) Comprehension in Proficient Readers: The Nature of Individual Variation. Journal of Memory and Language. 97: 135-153
Hamilton S, Freed E, Long DL. (2016) Word-Decoding Skill Interacts With Working Memory Capacity to Influence Inference Generation During Reading. Reading Research Quarterly. 51: 391-402
Hamilton S, Freed E, Long DL. (2016) Word-Decoding Skill Interacts With Working Memory Capacity to Influence Inference Generation During Reading Reading Research Quarterly
Freed E, Long D, Rodriguez T, et al. (2013) The effects of two health information texts on patient recognition memory: a randomized controlled trial. Patient Education and Counseling. 92: 260-5
Hamilton ST, Freed EM, Long DL. (2013) Modeling Reader- and Text- Interactions During Narrative Comprehension: A Test of the Lexical Quality Hypothesis. Discourse Processes. 50: 139-163
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