Andrew Saxe
Affiliations: | Gatsby Computational Neuroscience Unit | University College London, London, United Kingdom |
"Andrew Saxe"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorSurya Ganguli | grad student | (Physics Tree) | |
James L. McClelland | grad student | ||
Andrew Ng | grad student | (Computer Science Tree) |
Sign in to add traineeSarah L Armstrong | grad student | ||
Samuel C Liebana Garcia | grad student | UCL |
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Löwe AT, Touzo L, Muhle-Karbe PS, et al. (2024) Abrupt and spontaneous strategy switches emerge in simple regularised neural networks. Plos Computational Biology. 20: e1012505 |
Carrasco-Davis R, Masís J, Saxe AM. (2024) Meta-Learning Strategies through Value Maximization in Neural Networks. Arxiv |
J Dominé CC, Braun L, Fitzgerald JE, et al. (2023) Exact learning dynamics of deep linear networks with prior knowledge. Journal of Statistical Mechanics (Online). 2023: 114004 |
Sun W, Advani M, Spruston N, et al. (2023) Organizing memories for generalization in complementary learning systems. Nature Neuroscience |
Shamash P, Lee S, Saxe AM, et al. (2023) Mice identify subgoal locations through an action-driven mapping process. Neuron |
Nelli S, Braun L, Dumbalska T, et al. (2023) Neural knowledge assembly in humans and neural networks. Neuron |
Masís J, Chapman T, Rhee JY, et al. (2023) Strategically managing learning during perceptual decision making. Elife. 12 |
Flesch T, Saxe A, Summerfield C. (2023) Continual task learning in natural and artificial agents. Trends in Neurosciences |
Flesch T, Nagy DG, Saxe A, et al. (2023) Modelling continual learning in humans with Hebbian context gating and exponentially decaying task signals. Plos Computational Biology. 19: e1010808 |
Saglietti L, Mannelli SS, Saxe A. (2022) An analytical theory of curriculum learning in teacher-student networks. Journal of Statistical Mechanics (Online). 2022: 114014 |