Leonard Handler, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | Clinical Psychology | Michigan State University, University of Tennessee |
Personality assessment, psychodynamic psychotherapy, marital therapy, play therapy, neuropsychology, hypnosisGoogle:
Sign in to add mentorAlbert I. Rabin | grad student | 1960-1964 | Michigan State (Neurotree) | (klevy) Delete Edit |
Joseph Reyher | grad student | 1960-1964 | Michigan State | (klevy) Delete Edit |
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Flythe JE, Powell JD, Poulton CJ, et al. (2015) Patient-Reported Outcome Instruments for Physical Symptoms Among Patients Receiving Maintenance Dialysis: A Systematic Review. American Journal of Kidney Diseases : the Official Journal of the National Kidney Foundation |
Spolyar JL, Hnatiuk M, Shaheen KW, et al. (2015) Tessier No. 3 and No. 4 clefts: Sequential treatment in infancy by pre-surgical orthopedic skeletal contraction, comprehensive reconstruction, and novel surgical lengthening of the ala base-canthal distance Journal of Cranio-Maxillofacial Surgery. 43: 1261-1268 |
Parad A, Leonard E, Handler L. (2015) Exercise and pregnancy loss American Family Physician. 91: 437-438 |
Dancel R, Mounsey A, Handler L. (2015) Medications for treatment of interstitial cystitis American Family Physician. 91: 116-118 |
Skowronek IB, Mounsey A, Handler L. (2014) Can yoga reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression? Journal of Family Practice. 63: 398-399+407 |
Smith JD, Van Ryzin MJ, Fowler JC, et al. (2014) Predicting response to intensive multimodal inpatient treatment: a comparison of single- and multiple-class growth modeling approaches. Journal of Personality Assessment. 96: 306-15 |
Mount H, Chris Vincent E, Handler L. (2014) Self-administered GBS testing in pregnant women American Family Physician. 90: 729-730 |
Jones CW, Handler L, Crowell KE, et al. (2013) Non-publication of large randomized clinical trials: Cross sectional analysis Bmj (Online). 347 |
Smith JD, Erard RE, Handler L. (2013) An updated statement for the clinical case applications section: Suggestions for clinical and empirical case reports Journal of Personality Assessment. 95: 437-443 |
Hobbs K, Handler L, Mounsey AL. (2013) Which treatments help women with reduced libido? Journal of Family Practice. 62: 102+112 |