Phyllis Ohr, Ph.D.

Psychology Hofstra University, Hempstead, NY, United States 
Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, parental psychopathology, early intervention of child psychopathology
"Phyllis Ohr"
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Lillian Alford grad student 2022- Hofstra University (PsychTree)
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Lisa A. Salvato grad student 2000 Hofstra University
Margaret Coyne grad student 2001 Hofstra University
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Rachel B. Margolis grad student 2001 Hofstra University
Melissa P. Barnes grad student 2002 Hofstra University
Claude-Aline Charles grad student 2002 Hofstra University
Michelle D. Hertz grad student 2003 Hofstra University
Maurice A. Levy grad student 2004 Hofstra University
Deena Melika grad student 2004 Hofstra University
Irene Rovira grad student 2004 Hofstra University
Jennifer J. Cracco grad student 2005 Hofstra University
Uta H. Mocniak-Field grad student 2005 Hofstra University
Hilary B. Vidair grad student 2005 Hofstra University
Morgan B. Anderson grad student 2006 Hofstra University
Rachel H. Romm grad student 2006 Hofstra University
Giliane S. Spencer grad student 2006 Hofstra University
Andrea L. DiBari-Lodico grad student 2007 Hofstra University
Deborah A. Ramonetti grad student 2007 Hofstra University
Christine M. Walling grad student 2008 Hofstra University
Laura L. Braider grad student 2009 Hofstra University
Jill C. Slavin grad student 2009 Hofstra University
Dawn D. Dugan grad student 2010 Hofstra University
Benjamin J. Epstein grad student 2010 Hofstra University
Beth L. Hollander grad student 2011 Hofstra University
Candice L. La Lima grad student 2012 Hofstra University
Maria Paasivirta grad student 2012 Hofstra University
Ranita Pekarsky grad student 2012 Hofstra University
Jennifer Kahn grad student 2013 Hofstra University
Brittany D. Roslin grad student 2013 Hofstra University
Heather Pleickhardt grad student 2014 Hofstra University
Wendesia White grad student 2014 Hofstra University
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Fagen J, Ohr P, Boller K. (2016) Carolyn Rovee-Collier's legacy to applied psychology, intervention, and public policy. Developmental Psychobiology. 58: 918-922
Ohr PS, Vidair HB, Gunlicks-Stoessel M, et al. (2010) Maternal mood, video-mediated cognitions, and daily stress during home-based, family interactions. Journal of Family Psychology : Jfp : Journal of the Division of Family Psychology of the American Psychological Association (Division 43). 24: 625-34
Ohr PS, Feingold J, Fagen JW. (2006) Predicting adolescent anxiety ratings from infant behavioral style in response to expectancy violation Applied Developmental Science. 10: 147-156
Ohr PS. (1997) The relation between infant behavioral style during operant conditioning and parental report of later learning concerns Infant Behavior and Development. 20: 105-108
Ohr PS. (1996) Re-emergence of crying in young infants to aversive and nonaversive stimuli Infant Behavior and Development. 19: 660
Ohr PS, Fagen JW. (1994) Contingency learning in 9-month-old infants with Down syndrome. American Journal of Mental Retardation : Ajmr. 99: 74-84
Ohr PS, Fagen JW. (1993) Temperament, conditioning, and memory in 3-month-old infants with Down syndrome Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology. 14: 175-190
Ohr PS, Fagen JW. (1991) Conditioning and long-term memory in three-month-old infants with Down syndrome. American Journal of Mental Retardation : Ajmr. 96: 151-62
Fagen JW, Ohr PS. (1990) Tying Development Together the Life Span Way Contemporary Psychology: a Journal of Reviews. 35: 168-169
Ohr PS, Fleckenstein LK, Fagen JW, et al. (1990) Crying-produced forgetting in infants: A contextual analysis Infant Behavior and Development. 13: 305-320
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