Laura K. Campbell

2007 Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 
"Laura Campbell"
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Bruce E. Compas grad student 2007 Vanderbilt
 (Executive function and coping in survivors of childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia.)
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Robinson KE, Livesay KL, Campbell LK, et al. (2010) Working memory in survivors of childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia: functional neuroimaging analyses. Pediatric Blood & Cancer. 54: 585-90
Campbell LK, Scaduto M, Van Slyke D, et al. (2009) Executive function, coping, and behavior in survivors of childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia Journal of Pediatric Psychology. 34: 317-327
Campbell LK, Scaduto M, Sharp W, et al. (2007) A meta-analysis of the neurocognitive sequelae of treatment for childhood acute lymphocytic leukemia Pediatric Blood and Cancer. 49: 65-73
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