Ravinderjit Singh

2018-2022 Biomedical Engineering Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
"Ravinderjit Singh"
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Singh R, Bharadwaj HM. (2023) Cortical temporal integration can account for limits of temporal perception: investigations in the binaural system. Communications Biology. 6: 981
Ginsberg HM, Singh R, Bharadwaj HM, et al. (2023) A multi-channel EEG mini-cap can improve reliability for recording auditory brainstem responses in chinchillas. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 109954
Mok BA, Viswanathan V, Borjigin A, et al. (2023) Web-based psychoacoustics: Hearing screening, infrastructure, and validation. Behavior Research Methods
Bharadwaj H, Mamashli F, Khan S, et al. (2022) Cortical signatures of auditory object binding in children with autism spectrum disorder are anomalous in concordance with behavior and diagnosis. Plos Biology. 20: e3001541
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