Elizabeth G. Pitts

2021 Physiology and Pharmacology Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC, United States 
"Elizabeth Pitts"
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Iacino MC, Stowe TA, Pitts EG, et al. (2024) A unique multi-synaptic mechanism involving acetylcholine and GABA regulates dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens through early adolescence in male rats. Elife. 13
Stowe TA, Pitts EG, Leach AC, et al. (2022) Diurnal rhythms in cholinergic modulation of rapid dopamine signals and associative learning in the striatum. Cell Reports. 39: 110633
Leach AC, Pitts EG, Siciliano CA, et al. (2022) α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor modulation of accumbal dopamine release covaries with novelty seeking. The European Journal of Neuroscience
Pitts EG, Stowe TA, Christensen B, et al. (2020) Comparing dopamine release, uptake, and D2 autoreceptor function across the ventromedial to dorsolateral striatum in adolescent and adult male and female rats. Neuropharmacology. 108163
Fennell AM, Pitts EG, Sexton LL, et al. (2020) Phasic Dopamine Release Magnitude Tracks Individual Differences in Sensitization of Locomotor Response following a History of Nicotine Exposure. Scientific Reports. 10: 173
Schmidt KT, Schroeder JP, Foster SL, et al. (2017) Norepinephrine regulates cocaine-primed reinstatement via α1-adrenergic receptors in the medial prefrontal cortex. Neuropharmacology
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