
Simon Hippenmeyer

IST Austria, Klosterneuburg, Niederösterreich, Austria 
Neural Development
"Simon Hippenmeyer"
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Hansen AH, Hippenmeyer S. (2024) Time-lapse imaging of cortical projection neuron migration in mice using mosaic analysis with double markers. Star Protocols. 5: 102795
Cheung G, Pauler FM, Koppensteiner P, et al. (2023) Multipotent progenitors instruct ontogeny of the superior colliculus. Neuron. 112: 230-246.e11
Ladle DR, Hippenmeyer S. (2023) Loss of ETV1/ER81 in motor neurons leads to reduced monosynaptic inputs from proprioceptive sensory neurons. Journal of Neurophysiology
Hansen AH, Pauler FM, Riedl M, et al. (2022) Tissue-Wide Effects Override Cell-Intrinsic Gene Function in Radial Neuron Migration. Oxford Open Neuroscience. 1: kvac009
Amberg N, Pauler FM, Streicher C, et al. (2022) Tissue-wide genetic and cellular landscape shapes the execution of sequential PRC2 functions in neural stem cell lineage progression. Science Advances. 8: eabq1263
Anderson DJ, Pauler FM, McKenna A, et al. (2022) Simultaneous brain cell type and lineage determined by scRNA-seq reveals stereotyped cortical development. Cell Systems
Contreras X, Amberg N, Davaatseren A, et al. (2021) A genome-wide library of MADM mice for single-cell genetic mosaic analysis. Cell Reports. 35: 109274
Pauler FM, Hudson QJ, Laukoter S, et al. (2021) Inducible Uniparental Chromosome Disomy to Probe Genomic Imprinting at Single-cell Level in Brain and Beyond. Neurochemistry International. 104986
Laukoter S, Amberg N, Pauler FM, et al. (2020) Generation and isolation of single cells from mouse brain with mosaic analysis with double markers-induced uniparental chromosome disomy. Star Protocols. 1: 100215
Takeo YH, Shuster SA, Jiang L, et al. (2020) GluD2- and Cbln1-mediated competitive interactions shape the dendritic arbors of cerebellar Purkinje cells. Neuron
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