Katharina Lischka, PhD

University of Freiburg, Germany, Freiburg im Breisgau, Baden-Württemberg, Germany 
"Katharina Lischka"
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Ali MA, Lischka K, Preuss SJ, et al. (2023) A synaptic corollary discharge signal suppresses midbrain visual processing during saccade-like locomotion. Nature Communications. 14: 7592
Kettler L, Sid H, Schaub C, et al. (2021) AP-2δ Expression Kinetics in Multimodal Networks in the Developing Chicken Midbrain. Frontiers in Neural Circuits. 15: 756184
Ladel S, Flamm J, Zadeh AS, et al. (2018) Allogenic Fc Domain-Facilitated Uptake of IgG in Nasal Lamina Propria: Friend or Foe for Intranasal CNS Delivery? Pharmaceutics. 10
Lischka K, Yan J, Weigel S, et al. (2018) Effects of early eye removal on the morphology of a multisensory neuron in the chicken optic tectum. Brain Research
Lischka K, Ladel S, Luksch H, et al. (2018) Expression patterns of ion channels and structural proteins in a multimodal cell type of the avian optic tectum. The Journal of Comparative Neurology. 526: 412-424
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