Mary Cunningham Boyce

2013 Mechanical engineering Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2013- Engineering and Applied Science Columbia University, New York, NY 
molecular and nanomechanics of polymers and soft composites
"Mary Cunningham Boyce"

Mean distance: 13.37


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Ali S. Argon grad student 1984 MIT
 (M.S. Thesis: Craze initiation in heterogeneous polymers)
David M. Parks grad student 1987 MIT
 (Ph. D. Thesis: Large inelastic deformation of glassy polymers)


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Mary L. Realff grad student 1992 MIT (Chemistry Tree)
Ellen M. Arruda grad student 1988-1992 MIT (E-Tree)
Jian Cao grad student 1995 MIT (E-Tree)
Rebecca B. Dupaix grad student 2003 MIT (Biomechanics Tree)
Sharon Soong grad student 2007 MIT (Chemistry Tree)
Jeffrey Shane Palmer grad student 2008 MIT
Carlos E. Castro grad student 2009 (Neurotree)
Katia Bertoldi post-doc 2006-2008 MIT (Biomechanics Tree)
Lifeng Wang post-doc 2006-2011 MIT
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Gao C, Slesarenko V, Boyce MC, et al. (2018) Instability-Induced Pattern Transformation in Soft Metamaterial with Hexagonal Networks for Tunable Wave Propagation. Scientific Reports. 8: 11834
Liu L, Jiang Y, Boyce M, et al. (2017) The effects of morphological irregularity on the mechanical behavior of interdigitated biological sutures under tension. Journal of Biomechanics
Cho H, Mayer S, Pöselt E, et al. (2017) Deformation mechanisms of thermoplastic elastomers: Stress-strain behavior and constitutive modeling Polymer. 128: 87-99
Galich PI, Fang NX, Boyce MC, et al. (2017) Elastic wave propagation in finitely deformed layered materials Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids. 98: 390-410
Raayai-Ardakani S, Yagüe JL, Gleason KK, et al. (2016) Mechanics of Graded Wrinkling Journal of Applied Mechanics. 83: 121011
Cho H, Weaver JC, Pöselt E, et al. (2016) Engineering the Mechanics of Heterogeneous Soft Crystals Advanced Functional Materials. 26: 6938-6949
Varshney S, Song J, Li Y, et al. (2015) Morphometric structural diversity of a natural armor assembly investigated by 2D continuum strain analysis. Journal of Structural Biology
Rudykh S, Ortiz C, Boyce MC. (2015) Flexibility and protection by design: imbricated hybrid microstructures of bio-inspired armor. Soft Matter. 11: 2547-54
Duro-Royo J, Zolotovsky K, Mogas-Soldevila L, et al. (2015) MetaMesh: A hierarchical computational model for design and fabrication of biomimetic armored surfaces Cad Computer Aided Design. 60: 14-27
Cho H, Boyce MC. (2015) Constitutive Modeling of High Strain-Rate Elastomeric Polymers: Mechanics of Large Deformation Behavior of Elastomeric Copolymers: Resilience, Dissipation, and Constitutive Modeling Elastomeric Polymers With High Rate Sensitivity: Applications in Blast, Shockwave, and Penetration Mechanics. 115-137
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