Luigi Cervetto

Physiological Sciences University of Pisa, Italy, Pisa, Toscana, Italy 
"Luigi Cervetto"
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Piano I, Novelli E, Della Santina L, et al. (2016) Involvement of Autophagic Pathway in the Progression of Retinal Degeneration in a Mouse Model of Diabetes. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 10: 42
Cangiano L, Asteriti S, Cervetto L, et al. (2012) The photovoltage of rods and cones in the dark-adapted mouse retina. The Journal of Physiology. 590: 3841-55
Della Santina L, Piano I, Cangiano L, et al. (2012) Processing of retinal signals in normal and HCN deficient mice. Plos One. 7: e29812
Della Santina L, Bouly M, Asta A, et al. (2010) Effect of HCN channel inhibition on retinal morphology and function in normal and dystrophic rodents. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 51: 1016-23
Codega P, Della Santina L, Gargini C, et al. (2009) Prolonged illumination up-regulates arrestin and two guanylate cyclase activating proteins: a novel mechanism for light adaptation. The Journal of Physiology. 587: 2457-72
Cangiano L, Gargini C, Della Santina L, et al. (2007) High-pass filtering of input signals by the Ih current in a non-spiking neuron, the retinal rod bipolar cell. Plos One. 2: e1327
Demontis GC, Sbrana A, Gargini C, et al. (2005) A simple and inexpensive light source for research in visual neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. 146: 13-21
Demontis GC, Moroni A, Gravante B, et al. (2002) Functional characterisation and subcellular localisation of HCN1 channels in rabbit retinal rod photoreceptors. The Journal of Physiology. 542: 89-97
Demontis GC, Cervetto L. (2002) Vision: how to catch fast signals with slow detectors. News in Physiological Sciences : An International Journal of Physiology Produced Jointly by the International Union of Physiological Sciences and the American Physiological Society. 17: 110-4
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