Christina Thorpe
Affiliations: | Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada |
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Deibel SH, Lewis LM, Cleary J, et al. (2022) Unpredictable mealtimes rather than social jetlag affects acquisition and retention of hippocampal dependent memory. Behavioural Processes. 201: 104704 |
Waye SC, Wasef MA, Nixon AG, et al. (2019) Lesions to the lateral mammillary nuclei disrupt spatial learning in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience |
Wall K, Lewis LM, Deibel SH, et al. (2019) Consistent meal times improve performance on a daily time-place learning task. Behavioural Processes. 160: 26-32 |
Deibel SH, Lehr AB, Maloney C, et al. (2016) Rats in a levered T-maze task show evidence of time-place discriminations in two different measures. Learning & Behavior |
Peckford G, Dwyer JA, Snow AC, et al. (2014) The effects of lesions to the postsubiculum or the anterior dorsal nucleus of the thalamus on spatial learning in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience. 128: 654-65 |
Deibel SH, Ingram ML, Lehr AB, et al. (2014) In a daily time-place learning task, time is only used as a discriminative stimulus if each daily session is associated with a distinct spatial location. Learning & Behavior. 42: 246-55 |
Skinner DM, Martin GM, Wright SL, et al. (2014) Hippocampal spatial mapping and the acquisition of competing responses. Hippocampus. 24: 396-402 |
Dwyer JA, Ingram ML, Snow AC, et al. (2013) The effects of bilateral lesions to the dorsal tegmental nucleus on spatial learning in rats. Behavioral Neuroscience. 127: 867-77 |
Deibel SH, Thorpe CM. (2013) The effects of response cost and species-typical behaviors on a daily time-place learning task. Learning & Behavior. 41: 42-53 |
Thorpe CM, Hallett D, Murphy M, et al. (2012) Interval time-place learning in young children. Behavioural Processes. 91: 198-201 |