Victor M. Saenger

"Victor Saenger"
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Padilla N, Saenger VM, van Hartevelt TJ, et al. (2019) Breakdown of Whole-brain Dynamics in Preterm-born Children. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991)
Donnelly-Kehoe P, Saenger VM, Lisofsky N, et al. (2019) Reliable local dynamics in the brain across sessions are revealed by whole-brain modeling of resting state activity. Human Brain Mapping
Deco G, Cabral J, Saenger VM, et al. (2017) Perturbation of whole-brain dynamics in silico reveals mechanistic differences between brain states. Neuroimage
Saenger VM, Ponce-Alvarez A, Adhikari M, et al. (2017) Linking Entropy at Rest with the Underlying Structural Connectivity in the Healthy and Lesioned Brain. Cerebral Cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991). 1-11
Saenger VM, Kahan J, Foltynie T, et al. (2017) Uncovering the underlying mechanisms and whole-brain dynamics of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease. Scientific Reports. 7: 9882
de Reus MA, Saenger VM, Kahn RS, et al. (2014) An edge-centric perspective on the human connectome: link communities in the brain. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 369
Saenger VM, Barrios FA, Martínez-Gudiño ML, et al. (2012) Hemispheric asymmetries of functional connectivity and grey matter volume in the default mode network. Neuropsychologia. 50: 1308-15
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