Xuefeng Bao

2015-2019 Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States 
"Xuefeng Bao"
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Zhang Q, Hakam N, Akinniyi O, et al. (2024) AnkleImage - An ultrafast ultrasound image dataset to understand the ankle joint muscle contractility. Scientific Data. 11: 1439
Bao X, Zhang Q, Fragnito N, et al. (2023) A clustering-based method for estimating pennation angle from B-mode ultrasound images. Wearable Technologies. 4: e6
Zhang Q, Fragnito N, Bao X, et al. (2022) A deep learning method to predict ankle joint moment during walking at different speeds with ultrasound imaging: A framework for assistive devices control. Wearable Technologies. 3: e20
Bao X, Audu ML, Friederich AR, et al. (2022) Robust Control of the Human Trunk Posture Using Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation: A Simulation Study. Journal of Biomechanical Engineering. 144
Molazadeh V, Zhang Q, Bao X, et al. (2021) An Iterative Learning Controller for a Switched Cooperative Allocation Strategy during Sit-to-Stand Tasks with a Hybrid Exoskeleton. Ieee Transactions On Control Systems Technology : a Publication of the Ieee Control Systems Society. 30: 1021-1036
Friederich ARW, Bao X, Triolo RJ, et al. (2021) Feedback Control of Upright Seating with Functional Neuromuscular Stimulation during a Functional Task after Spinal Cord Injury: A Case Study. Annual International Conference of the Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Ieee Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society. Annual International Conference. 2021: 5719-5722
Molazadeh V, Zhang Q, Bao X, et al. (2021) Shared Control of a Powered Exoskeleton and Functional Electrical Stimulation Using Iterative Learning. Frontiers in Robotics and Ai. 8: 711388
Bao X, Sheng Z, Dicianno BE, et al. (2020) A Tube-based Model Predictive Control Method to Regulate a Knee Joint with Functional Electrical Stimulation and Electric Motor Assist. Ieee Transactions On Control Systems Technology : a Publication of the Ieee Control Systems Society. 29: 2180-2191
Bao X, Molazadeh V, Dodson A, et al. (2020) Using Person-Specific Muscle Fatigue Characteristics to Optimally Allocate Control in a Hybrid Exoskeleton - Preliminary Results. Ieee Transactions On Medical Robotics and Bionics. 2: 226-235
Bao X, Mao ZH, Munro P, et al. (2019) Sub-optimally Solving Actuator Redundancy in a Hybrid Neuroprosthetic System with a Multi-layer Neural Network Structure. International Journal of Intelligent Robotics and Applications. 3: 298-313
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