Alexander L. Gerlach

2010- Department of Psychology University of Cologne, Köln, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
anxiety, bodily symptoms, comorbidity, alcohol
"Alexander Gerlach"
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Krzikalla C, Buhlmann U, Schug J, et al. (2024) Worry Postponement From the Metacognitive Perspective: A Randomized Waitlist-Controlled Trial. Clinical Psychology in Europe. 6: e12741
Banks H, Surfaro F, Pastryk KF, et al. (2024) From adsorption to crystallization of proteins: Evidence for interface-assisted nucleation. Colloids and Surfaces. B, Biointerfaces. 241: 114063
Qian Z, Yang Y, Domschke K, et al. (2024) Elevated accuracy in recognition of subliminal happy facial expressions in patients with panic disorder after psychotherapy. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 15: 1375751
Kremer S, Gerlach AL, Erbe D. (2024) Depression, Contraception, and Ambivalence Concerning Fertility. Archives of Sexual Behavior. 53: 2727-2736
Munteanu V, Starostin V, Greco A, et al. (2024) Neural network analysis of neutron and X-ray reflectivity data incorporating prior knowledge. Journal of Applied Crystallography. 57: 456-469
Pithan L, Starostin V, Mareček D, et al. (2023) Closing the loop: autonomous experiments enabled by machine-learning-based online data analysis in synchrotron beamline environments. Journal of Synchrotron Radiation. 30: 1064-1075
Slotta T, Wolters C, Marx Z, et al. (2023) Respiratory Interoception and Pathological Illness Anxiety: Disentangling Bias. Psychosomatic Medicine
Baumeister-Lingens L, Rothe R, Wolff L, et al. (2023) Vagally-mediated heart rate variability and depression in children and adolescents - A meta-analytic update. Journal of Affective Disorders. 339: 237-255
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