Joseph Roland Keebler

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 
Human Factors, Psychology
"Joseph Keebler"
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Plummer JP, Schuster D, Keebler JR. (2017) The effects of gender, flow and video game experience on combat identification training. Ergonomics. 1-11
Keebler JR, Jentsch F, Schuster D. (2014) The effects of video game experience and active stereoscopy on performance in combat identification tasks. Human Factors. 56: 1482-96
Fincannon T, Keebler JR, Jentsch F, et al. (2013) The influence of camouflage, obstruction, familiarity and spatial ability on target identification from an unmanned ground vehicle. Ergonomics. 56: 739-51
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