David Wilson Ferreira
Affiliations: | 2013-2017 | Pharmacology | Universidade de São Paulo (Ribeirão Preto) |
"David Ferreira"Mean distance: (not calculated yet)
Sign in to add mentorThiago Mattar Cunha | grad student | 2013-2017 | Universidade de São Paulo (Ribeirão Preto) |
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Dos Santos RS, Veras FP, Ferreira DW, et al. (2020) Involvement of the Hsp70/TLR4/IL-6 and TNF-α pathways in delayed-onset muscle soreness. Journal of Neurochemistry |
Fonseca MM, Davoli-Ferreira M, Santa-Cecília F, et al. (2019) IL-27 Counteracts Neuropathic Pain Development Through Induction of IL-10. Frontiers in Immunology. 10: 3059 |
Ferreira DW, Ulecia-Morón C, Alvarado-Vázquez PA, et al. (2019) CD163 overexpression using a macrophage-directed gene therapy approach improves wound healing in ex vivo and in vivo human skin models. Immunobiology |
Santa-Cecília FV, Ferreira DW, Guimaraes RM, et al. (2018) The NOD2 signaling in peripheral macrophages contributes to neuropathic pain development. Pain |