Benjamin Sabari

2016-2019 Whitehead Institute, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Benjamin Sabari"
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Gan P, Eppert M, De La Cruz N, et al. (2024) Coactivator condensation drives cardiovascular cell lineage specification. Science Advances. 10: eadk7160
Lyons H, Veettil RT, Pradhan P, et al. (2022) Functional partitioning of transcriptional regulators by patterned charge blocks. Cell
Narlikar GJ, Myong S, Larson D, et al. (2021) Is transcriptional regulation just going through a phase? Molecular Cell. 81: 1579-1585
Sabari BR. (2021) Biomolecular Condensates and Gene Activation in Development and Disease. Developmental Cell. 55: 84-96
Sabari BR, Dall'Agnese A, Young RA. (2020) Biomolecular Condensates in the Nucleus. Trends in Biochemical Sciences
Klein IA, Boija A, Afeyan LK, et al. (2020) Partitioning of cancer therapeutics in nuclear condensates. Science (New York, N.Y.). 368: 1386-1392
Zamudio AV, Dall'Agnese A, Henninger JE, et al. (2019) Mediator Condensates Localize Signaling Factors to Key Cell Identity Genes. Molecular Cell
Shrinivas K, Sabari BR, Coffey EL, et al. (2019) Enhancer Features that Drive Formation of Transcriptional Condensates. Molecular Cell. 75: 549-561.e7
Guo YE, Manteiga JC, Henninger JE, et al. (2019) Pol II phosphorylation regulates a switch between transcriptional and splicing condensates. Nature
Boija A, Klein IA, Sabari BR, et al. (2018) Transcription Factors Activate Genes through the Phase-Separation Capacity of Their Activation Domains. Cell
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