Tomas S Grigera

IFLYSIB (CONICET/Universidad Nacional de La Plata) 
"Tomas Grigera"
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Almeira J, Grigera TS, Martin DA, et al. (2024) Mean-field solution of the neural dynamics in a Greenberg-Hastings model with excitatory and inhibitory units. Physical Review. E. 110: 014130
Camargo S, Martin DA, Trejo EJA, et al. (2023) Scale-free correlations in the dynamics of a small (N∼10000) cortical network. Physical Review. E. 108: 034302
Wood KB, Comba A, Motsch S, et al. (2023) Scale-free correlations and potential criticality in weakly ordered populations of brain cancer cells. Science Advances. 9: eadf7170
Almeira J, Grigera TS, Chialvo DR, et al. (2022) Tricritical behavior in a neural model with excitatory and inhibitory units. Physical Review. E. 106: 054140
Cavagna A, Culla A, Grigera TS. (2022) Renormalization group study of marginal ferromagnetism. Physical Review. E. 106: 054136
Trejo EJA, Martin DA, De Zoysa D, et al. (2022) Finite-size correlation behavior near a critical point: A simple metric for monitoring the state of a neural network. Physical Review. E. 106: 054313
Rubio Puzzo ML, Loscar ES, De Virgiliis A, et al. (2022) Short-time dynamics in active systems: the Vicsek model. Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal. 34
Diaz MMS, Trejo EJA, Martin DA, et al. (2022) Similar local neuronal dynamics may lead to different collective behavior. Physical Review. E. 104: 064309
Martin DA, Ribeiro TL, Cannas SA, et al. (2021) Box scaling as a proxy of finite size correlations. Scientific Reports. 11: 15937
Chialvo DR, Cannas SA, Grigera TS, et al. (2020) Controlling a complex system near its critical point via temporal correlations. Scientific Reports. 10: 12145
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