Elizabeth Bradbury

King's College London, London, UK 
"Elizabeth Bradbury"
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Sinopoulou E, Spejo AB, Roopnarine N, et al. (2022) Chronic muscle recordings reveal recovery of forelimb function in spinal injured female rats after cortical epidural stimulation combined with rehabilitation and chondroitinase ABC. Journal of Neuroscience Research
Smith GM, Steward O, Bradbury EJ. (2022) Gene modification after spinal cord injury: Mechanisms and therapeutics. Experimental Neurology. 356: 114156
Bennett DLH, Bradbury EJ, Lewin GR, et al. (2022) In memoriam: Stephen B. McMahon, PhD, FMedSci December 21, 1954 to October 9, 2021. Pain. 163: 403-405
Jevans B, James ND, Burnside E, et al. (2021) Combined treatment with enteric neural stem cells and chondroitinase ABC reduces spinal cord lesion pathology. Stem Cell Research & Therapy. 12: 10
Strotton MC, Bodey AJ, Wanelik K, et al. (2020) The spatiotemporal spread of cervical spinal cord contusion injury pathology revealed by 3D in-line phase contrast synchrotron X-ray microtomography. Experimental Neurology. 113529
Warren PM, Andrews MR, Smith M, et al. (2020) Secretion of a mammalian chondroitinase ABC aids glial integration at PNS/CNS boundaries. Scientific Reports. 10: 11262
Eggers R, de Winter F, Smit L, et al. (2020) Combining timed GDNF and ChABC gene therapy to promote long-distance regeneration following ventral root avulsion and repair. Faseb Journal : Official Publication of the Federation of American Societies For Experimental Biology
Lilley E, Andrews MR, Bradbury EJ, et al. (2020) Refining rodent models of spinal cord injury. Experimental Neurology. 113273
Bartus K, Burnside ER, Galino J, et al. (2019) ErbB receptor signaling directly controls oligodendrocyte progenitor cell transformation and spontaneous remyelination after spinal cord injury. Glia
James ND, McMahon SB, Field-Fote EC, et al. (2018) Neuromodulation in the restoration of function after spinal cord injury. The Lancet. Neurology. 17: 905-917
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