helgi b. schioth

Uppsala University, Neuroscience 
"helgi schioth"
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Al-Sabri MH, Ammar N, Korzh S, et al. (2024) Fluvastatin-induced myofibrillar damage is associated with elevated ROS, and impaired fatty acid oxidation, and is preceded by mitochondrial morphological changes. Scientific Reports. 14: 3338
Lagunas-Rangel FA, Liao S, Williams MJ, et al. (2023) as a Rapid Screening Model to Evaluate the Hypoglycemic Effects of Dipeptidyl Peptidase 4 (DPP4) Inhibitors: High Evolutionary Conservation of DPP4. Biomedicines. 11
Schiöth HB, Donzelli L, Arvidsson N, et al. (2023) Evidence for Prepulse Inhibition of Visually Evoked Motor Response in . Biology. 12
Moulin TC, Stojanovic T, Rajesh RP, et al. (2023) Effects of Transient Administration of the NMDA Receptor Antagonist MK-801 in Activity, Sleep, and Negative Geotaxis. Biomedicines. 11
Moulin TC, Dey S, Dashi G, et al. (2022) A simple high-throughput method for automated detection of Drosophila melanogaster light-dependent behaviours. Bmc Biology. 20: 283
Al-Sabri MH, Behare N, Alsehli AM, et al. (2022) Statins Induce Locomotion and Muscular Phenotypes in That Are Reminiscent of Human Myopathy: Evidence for the Role of the Chloride Channel Inhibition in the Muscular Phenotypes. Cells. 11
Al-Sabri MH, Nikpour M, Clemensson LE, et al. (2022) The regulatory role of AP-2β in monoaminergic neurotransmitter systems: insights on its signalling pathway, linked disorders and theragnostic potential. Cell & Bioscience. 12: 151
Kudłak B, Jatkowska N, Liu W, et al. (2022) Enhanced Toxicity of Bisphenols Together with UV Filters in Water: Identification of Synergy and Antagonism in Three-Component Mixtures. Molecules (Basel, Switzerland). 27
Lagunas-Rangel FA, Linnea-Niemi JV, Kudłak B, et al. (2022) Role of the Synergistic Interactions of Environmental Pollutants in the Development of Cancer. Geohealth. 6: e2021GH000552
Williams MJ, Alsehli AM, Gartner SN, et al. (2022) The Statin Target Hmgcr Regulates Energy Metabolism and Food Intake through Central Mechanisms. Cells. 11
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