Joshua Buckholtz

2006-2011 MGH / Harvard, Boston, MA, United States 
"Joshua Buckholtz"
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Andreas Meyer-Lindenberg research assistant
Daniel R. Weinberger research assistant
René Marois grad student 2006-2011 MGH / Harvard
David H. Zald grad student 2006-2011
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Rosati AG, Emery Thompson M, Atencia R, et al. (2023) Distinct developmental trajectories for risky and impulsive decision-making in chimpanzees. Journal of Experimental Psychology. General
McCurley JL, Buckholtz JW, Roberto CA, et al. (2022) The association of impulsivity with effects of the ChooseWell 365 workplace nudge intervention on diet and weight. Translational Behavioral Medicine
Franz PJ, Fortgang RG, Millner AJ, et al. (2022) Examining tradeoffs between cognitive effort and relief among adults with self-injurious behavior. Journal of Affective Disorders. 321: 320-328
Cantwell A, Buckholtz JW, Atencia R, et al. (2022) The origins of cognitive flexibility in chimpanzees. Developmental Science. e13266
Dalby M, Vitezic M, Plath N, et al. (2022) Characterizing mood disorders in the AFFECT study: a large, longitudinal, and phenotypically rich genetic cohort in the US. Translational Psychiatry. 12: 121
Buckholtz JW. (2021) Don't Ever Leave Me, You Disgusting Monster: Computational Insights Into Moral Inference Updating in Borderline Personality Disorder. Biological Psychiatry. Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 5: 1075-1076
Rosati AG, DiNicola LM, Buckholtz JW. (2018) Chimpanzee Cooperation Is Fast and Independent From Self-Control. Psychological Science. 956797618800042
Millner AJ, Lee MD, Hoyt K, et al. (2018) Are suicide attempters more impulsive than suicide ideators? General Hospital Psychiatry
Poldrack RA, Monahan J, Imrey PB, et al. (2017) Predicting Violent Behavior: What Can Neuroscience Add? Trends in Cognitive Sciences
Hosking JG, Kastman EK, Dorfman HM, et al. (2017) Disrupted Prefrontal Regulation of Striatal Subjective Value Signals in Psychopathy. Neuron. 95: 221-231.e4
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