Hongjian Li

Fudan University, China 
"Hongjian Li"
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Feng S, Cui Z, Han Z, et al. (2022) V1-origin Bidirectional Plasticity in Visual Thalamo-ventral Pathway and Its Contribution to Saliency Detection of Dynamic Visual Inputs. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Meng J, Li Z, Li H, et al. (2018) The common and distinct orientation adaptation effect at pinwheel centers in areas 21a and 17 of cats. Neuroscience
Li H, Fang Q, Ge Y, et al. (2018) Relationship between the dynamics of orientation tuning and spatiotemporal receptive field structures of cat LGN neurons. Neuroscience
Li Z, Meng J, Li H, et al. (2017) The feature-specific propagation of orientation and direction adaptation from areas 17 to 21a in cats. Scientific Reports. 7: 390
Li H, Leung KS, Nakane T, et al. (2014) iview: an interactive WebGL visualizer for protein-ligand complex. Bmc Bioinformatics. 15: 56
Chen Y, Li H, Jin Z, et al. (2014) Feedback of the amygdala globally modulates visual response of primary visual cortex in the cat. Neuroimage. 84: 775-85
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