Shota A. Murai

The University of Tokyo, International Research Center for Neurointelligence 
Cognitive Neuroscience, Speech
"Shota Murai"
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Murai SA, Mano T, Sanes JN, et al. (2024) Atypical intrinsic neural timescale in the left angular gyrus in Alzheimer’s disease Brain Communications. 6
Murai SA, Riquimaroux H. (2022) Long-term changes in cortical representation through perceptual learning of spectrally degraded speech. Journal of Comparative Physiology. a, Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology
Murai S, Yang AN, Hiryu S, et al. (2021) Music in Noise: Neural Correlates Underlying Noise Tolerance in Music-Induced Emotion. Cerebral Cortex Communications. 2: tgab061
Murai SA, Riquimaroux H. (2021) Neural correlates of subjective comprehension of noise-vocoded speech. Hearing Research. 405: 108249
Itagaki S, Murai S, Kobayasi KI. (2019) Brain Activity Related to Sound Symbolism: Cross-modal Effect of an Aurally Presented Phoneme on Judgment of Size. Scientific Reports. 9: 7017
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