Misty Crider, MS, MD

Biology & Sch of Med University of Kentucky, Lexington, KY 
"Misty Crider"
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Southard RC, Haggard J, Crider ME, et al. (2000) Influence of serotonin on the kinetics of vesicular release. Brain Research. 871: 16-28
Crider ME, Cooper RL. (2000) Differential facilitation of high- and low-output nerve terminals from a single motoneuron. Journal of Applied Physiology (Bethesda, Md. : 1985). 88: 987-96
Crider ME, Cooper RL. (1999) Importance of stimulation paradigm in determining facilitation and effects of neuromodulation. Brain Research. 842: 324-31
Goldman JM, Stoker TE, Perreault SD, et al. (1993) Influence of the formamidine pesticide chlordimeform on ovulation in the female hamster: dissociable shifts in the luteinizing hormone surge and oocyte release. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology. 121: 279-90
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