Nick Ward
Affiliations: | University College London, London, United Kingdom |
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Ozkan H, Ambler G, Banerjee G, et al. (2023) Prevalence, patterns, and predictors of patient-reported non-motor outcomes at 30 days after acute stroke: Prospective observational hospital cohort study. International Journal of Stroke : Official Journal of the International Stroke Society. 17474930231215660 |
Bernhardt J, Corbett D, Dukelow S, et al. (2023) The International Stroke Recovery and Rehabilitation Alliance. The Lancet. Neurology. 22: 295-296 |
Ward N. (2023) Grasping the opportunity: better behavioural diagnoses will lead to better treatments for stroke. Brain : a Journal of Neurology |
Bonifacio GB, Ward NS, Emsley HCA, et al. (2022) Optimising rehabilitation and recovery after a stroke. Practical Neurology |
Laaksonen K, Ward NS. (2022) Biomarkers of plasticity for stroke recovery. Handbook of Clinical Neurology. 184: 287-298 |
Liew SL, Zavaliangos-Petropulu A, Schweighofer N, et al. (2021) Smaller spared subcortical nuclei are associated with worse post-stroke sensorimotor outcomes in 28 cohorts worldwide. Brain Communications. 3: fcab254 |
Ondobaka S, De Doncker W, Ward N, et al. (2021) Neural effective connectivity explains subjective fatigue in stroke. Brain : a Journal of Neurology |
Ballester BR, Ward NS, Brander F, et al. (2021) Relationship between intensity and recovery in post-stroke rehabilitation: a retrospective analysis. Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery, and Psychiatry |
Pohl J, Held JPO, Verheyden G, et al. (2021) Corrigendum: Consensus-Based Core Set of Outcome Measures for Clinical Motor Rehabilitation After Stroke-A Delphi Study. Frontiers in Neurology. 12: 697935 |
Rubega M, Formaggio E, Molteni F, et al. (2021) EEG Fractal Analysis Reflects Brain Impairment after Stroke. Entropy (Basel, Switzerland). 23 |