Kemal Ugur Tufekci, Ph.D.

2020- Izmir Democracy University 
Microglia, Neuroinflammation, exosomes, miRNA
"Kemal Ugur Tufekci"
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Ucuncu Egeli T, Tufekci KU, Ural C, et al. (2023) A NEW PERSPECTIVE ON THE PATHOGENESIS OF INFANTILE COLIC; IS INFANTILE COLIC A BIORHYTHM DISORDER? Journal of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Ercan I, Cilaker Micili S, Soy S, et al. (2023) Bilirubin induces microglial NLRP3 inflammasome activation in vitro and in vivo. Molecular and Cellular Neurosciences. 125: 103850
Eltutan BI, Kiser C, Ercan İ, et al. (2022) In vitro effects of HO on neural stem cell differentiation. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology. Animal
Tarakcioglu E, Tastan B, Arioz BI, et al. (2022) Melatonin Alters the miRNA Transcriptome of Inflammasome Activation in Murine Microglial Cells. Neurochemical Research
Olcum M, Tufekci KU, Genc S. (2022) MicroRNAs in Genetic Etiology of Human Diseases. Methods in Molecular Biology (Clifton, N.J.). 2257: 255-268
Tastan B, Arioz BI, Tufekci KU, et al. (2021) Dimethyl Fumarate Alleviates NLRP3 Inflammasome Activation in Microglia and Sickness Behavior in LPS-Challenged Mice. Frontiers in Immunology. 12: 737065
Tufekci KU, Eltutan BI, Isci KB, et al. (2021) Resveratrol Inhibits NLRP3 Inflammasome-Induced Pyroptosis and miR-155 Expression in Microglia Through Sirt1/AMPK Pathway. Neurotoxicity Research. 39: 1812-1829
Durur DY, Olcum M, Tufekci KU, et al. (2021) Ethyl pyruvate attenuates microglial NLRP3 inflammasome activation via inhibition of HMGB1/NF-κB/miR-223 signaling Antioxidants
Tufekci KU, Alural B, Tarakcioglu E, et al. (2021) Lithium inhibits oxidative stress-induced neuronal senescence through miR-34a. Molecular Biology Reports
Arioz BI, Tufekci KU, Olcum M, et al. (2021) Proteome profiling of neuron-derived exosomes in Alzheimer's disease reveals hemoglobin as a potential biomarker. Neuroscience Letters. 135914
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