Anna Greenburgh

Experimental Psychology University College London, London, United Kingdom 
"Anna Greenburgh"
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Greenburgh A, Raihani N. (2022) Paranoia reveals the complexity in assigning individuals to groups on the basis of inferred intentions. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences. 45: e109
Greenburgh A, Raihani NJ. (2022) Paranoia and conspiracy thinking. Current Opinion in Psychology. 47: 101362
Greenburgh A, Bell V, Raihani N. (2021) The roles of coalitional threat and safety in paranoia: A network approach. The British Journal of Clinical Psychology
Greenburgh A, Bell V, Raihani N. (2019) Paranoia and conspiracy: group cohesion increases harmful intent attribution in the Trust Game. Peerj. 7: e7403
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