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Blai Vidiella Rocamora, Ph.D

Evolution of Networks Lab Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) 
complex systems, theoretical ecology, mathematical modelling, synthetic biology
"Blai Vidiella Rocamora (ORCID: 0000-0002-4819-7047)"
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Nuria Conde Pueyo grad student 2016-2022 Universitat Pompeu Fabra, UPF
 (Co-Advisor at the wetlab for Blai's Thesis entitled "Terraforming Earth's ecosystems : engineering ecosystems to avoid anthropogenic tipping points")
Josep Sardanyes grad student 2016-2022 Centre de Recerca Matematica
 (Co-Advisor for modelling at Blai's doctoral thesis entitled "Terraforming Earth's ecosystems : engineering ecosystems to avoid anthropogenic tipping points")
Ricard V Solé grad student 2016-2022 Universitat Pompeu Fabra, UPF (Physics Tree)
 (Advised the doctoral Thesis "Terraforming Earth's ecosystems : engineering ecosystems to avoid anthropogenic tipping points")
Sergi Valverde post-doc 2022-2024 Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Physics Tree)
 (Sergi was the PI encharged of the Biodiversa project working with Blai)
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