Sarah Tune

2016- University of Lübeck, Lübeck, Schleswig-Holstein, Germany 
"Sarah Tune"
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Ina Bornkessel-Schlesewsky grad student (LinguisTree)
Stephen J. Small post-doc (FlyTree)
Jonas Obleser post-doc 2016- University of Lübeck
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Kraus F, Tune S, Obleser J, et al. (2023) Neural alpha oscillations and pupil size differentially index cognitive demand under competing audio-visual task conditions. The Journal of Neuroscience : the Official Journal of the Society For Neuroscience
Schmitt LM, Erb J, Tune S, et al. (2021) Predicting speech from a cortical hierarchy of event-based time scales. Science Advances. 7: eabi6070
Jessen S, Obleser J, Tune S. (2021) Neural tracking in infants - An analytical tool for multisensory social processing in development. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 52: 101034
Tune S, Alavash M, Fiedler L, et al. (2021) Publisher Correction: Neural attentional-filter mechanisms of listening success in middle-aged and older individuals. Nature Communications. 12: 6159
Alavash M, Tune S, Obleser J. (2021) Dynamic large-scale connectivity of intrinsic cortical oscillations supports adaptive listening in challenging conditions. Plos Biology. 19: e3001410
Tune S, Alavash M, Fiedler L, et al. (2021) Neural attentional-filter mechanisms of listening success in middle-aged and older individuals. Nature Communications. 12: 4533
Kraus F, Tune S, Ruhe A, et al. (2021) Unilateral Acoustic Degradation Delays Attentional Separation of Competing Speech. Trends in Hearing. 25: 23312165211013242
Obleser J, Kreitewolf J, Vielhauer R, et al. (2021) Circadian fluctuations in glucocorticoid level predict perceptual discrimination sensitivity. Iscience. 24: 102345
Waschke L, Tune S, Obleser J. (2019) Local cortical desynchronization and pupil-linked arousal differentially shape brain states for optimal sensory performance. Elife. 8
Kreitewolf J, Wöstmann M, Tune S, et al. (2019) Working-memory disruption by task-irrelevant talkers depends on degree of talker familiarity. Attention, Perception & Psychophysics
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