Gerardo Ramirez-Mejia

2022 Instituto de Fisiologia Celular (UNAM), Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico 
"Gerardo Ramirez-Mejia"
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Urrego-Morales O, Gil-Lievana E, Ramirez-Mejia G, et al. (2023) Inhibition of hippocampal palmitoyl acyltransferase activity impairs spatial learning and memory consolidation. Neurobiology of Learning and Memory. 200: 107733
Ramirez-Mejia G, Gil-Lievana E, Urrego-Morales O, et al. (2023) Salience to remember: VTA-IC dopaminergic pathway activity is necessary for object recognition memory formation. Neuropharmacology. 228: 109464
Gil-Lievana E, Ramírez-Mejía G, Urrego-Morales O, et al. (2022) Photostimulation of Ventral Tegmental Area-Insular Cortex Dopaminergic Inputs Enhances the Salience to Consolidate Aversive Taste Recognition Memory D1-Like Receptors. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience. 16: 823220
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