Yaning Han, Ph.D

2018- Brain cognition and brain disease institute Shenzhen Institute of Advanced Technology (SIAT), Chinese Academy of Sciences 
computational neuroethology, neuroscience
"Yaning Han"
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Huang K, Yang Q, Han Y, et al. (2022) An Easily Compatible Eye-tracking System for Freely-moving Small Animals. Neuroscience Bulletin
Cai X, Li L, Liu W, et al. (2022) A dual-channel optogenetic stimulator selectively modulates distinct defensive behaviors. Iscience. 25: 103681
Han Y, Huang K, Chen K, et al. (2021) MouseVenue3D: A Markerless Three-Dimension Behavioral Tracking System for Matching Two-Photon Brain Imaging in Free-Moving Mice. Neuroscience Bulletin
Huang K, Han Y, Chen K, et al. (2021) A hierarchical 3D-motion learning framework for animal spontaneous behavior mapping. Nature Communications. 12: 2784
Liu N, Han Y, Ding H, et al. (2021) Objective and comprehensive re-evaluation of anxiety-like behaviors in mice using the Behavior Atlas. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications. 559: 1-7
Xiao Q, Zhou X, Wei P, et al. (2020) A new GABAergic somatostatin projection from the BNST onto accumbal parvalbumin neurons controls anxiety. Molecular Psychiatry
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