Sathyasri Narasimhan, Ph.D

2003-2006 Optometry & Vision Science University of Bradford, Bradford, England, United Kingdom 
"Sathyasri Narasimhan"
Mean distance: 15.22 (cluster 29)
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Narasimhan S, Tripathy S, Barrett B. (2010) The temporal dynamics of visual sensory memory while tracking multiple moving dots Journal of Vision. 7: 690-690
Narasimhan S, Tripathy SP, Barrett BT. (2009) Loss of positional information when tracking multiple moving dots: the role of visual memory. Vision Research. 49: 10-27
Tripathy SP, Narasimhan S, Barrett BT. (2007) On the effective number of tracked trajectories in normal human vision. Journal of Vision. 7: 2
Tripathy SP, Barrett BT, Narasimhan S. (2004) Gross distortions in perveived trajectories when tracking multiple dots Journal of Vision. 4: 368-368
Narasimhan S, Tripathy SP, Barrett BT. (2004) Loss of positional information when tracking multiple dots: The role of memory Journal of Vision. 4: 361-361
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