Cesar A. Acevedo-Triana, MSc
Affiliations: | 2011-2015 | Psychology | Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogotá, Bogotá, Colombia |
Neurogenesis, Behavioral Neuroscience, Psychobiology, NeurophylosophyGoogle:
"Cesar Acevedo-Triana"Mean distance: 42746.4
Sign in to add mentorfernando p. cardenas | grad student | 2011-2014 | Universidad Nacional de Colombia |
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Hurtado-Parrado C, Acevedo-Triana C, Pear J. (2019) Aversive control of Betta splendens behavior using water disturbances: Effects of signaled and unsignaled free-operant avoidance and escape contingencies. Behavioural Processes. 158: 18-31 |
Hurtado-Parrado C, González-León C, Arias-Higuera MA, et al. (2017) Assessing Mongolian gerbil emotional behavior: effects of two shock intensities and response-independent shocks during an extended inhibitory-avoidance task. Peerj. 5: e4009 |