Viviane Pouthas
Affiliations: | CNRS, Paris, Paris, Île-de-France, France |
time perception, memoryGoogle:
"Viviane Pouthas"Mean distance: 15.65 (cluster 23) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add traineeSylvie Droit-Volet | grad student | University of Paris | |
Yann Cojan | grad student | 2002-2006 | CNRS |
Karim N'Diaye | grad student | 2002-2006 | CNRS Paris |
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Sperduti M, Tallon-Baudry C, Hugueville L, et al. (2011) Time is more than a sensory feature: Attending to duration triggers specific anticipatory activity. Cognitive Neuroscience. 2: 11-8 |
Mella N, Conty L, Pouthas V. (2011) The role of physiological arousal in time perception: psychophysiological evidence from an emotion regulation paradigm. Brain and Cognition. 75: 182-7 |
Osorio A, Fay S, Pouthas V, et al. (2010) Ageing affects brain activity in highly educated older adults: An ERP study using a word-stem priming task. Cortex; a Journal Devoted to the Study of the Nervous System and Behavior. 46: 522-34 |
Gontier E, Paul I, Le Dantec C, et al. (2009) ERPs in anterior and posterior regions associated with duration and size discriminations. Neuropsychology. 23: 668-78 |
Osorio A, Ballesteros S, Fay S, et al. (2009) The effect of age on word-stem cued recall: a behavioral and electrophysiological study. Brain Research. 1289: 56-68 |
Noulhiane M, Pouthas V, Samson S. (2009) Is time reproduction sensitive to sensory modalities? European Journal of Cognitive Psychology. 21: 18-34 |
Meck WH, Penney TB, Pouthas V. (2008) Cortico-striatal representation of time in animals and humans. Current Opinion in Neurobiology. 18: 145-52 |
Pfeuty M, Ragot R, Pouthas V. (2008) Brain activity during interval timing depends on sensory structure. Brain Research. 1204: 112-7 |
Noulhiane M, Mella N, Samson S, et al. (2007) How emotional auditory stimuli modulate time perception. Emotion (Washington, D.C.). 7: 697-704 |
Noulhiane M, Pouthas V, Hasboun D, et al. (2007) Role of the medial temporal lobe in time estimation in the range of minutes. Neuroreport. 18: 1035-8 |