
Jordan Loeffelman, Ph.D.

2020-2022 Psychology University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States 
"Jordan Loeffelman"
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Douglas L. Steinley grad student (MathTree)


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Catherine M. Bain grad student 2020-2022
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Bowns R, Loeffelman JE, Steinley D, et al. (2022) A brief young adult alcohol problems screening test: Short formĀ development using combinatorics. Journal of American College Health : J of Ach. 1-7
Watts AL, Boness CL, Loeffelman JE, et al. (2021) Does crude measurement contribute to observed unidimensionality of psychological constructs? A demonstration with DSM-5 alcohol use disorder. Journal of Abnormal Psychology. 130: 512-524
Loeffelman JE, Steinley D, Boness CL, et al. (2020) Combinatorial Optimization of Clustering Decisions: An Approach to Refine Psychiatric Diagnoses. Multivariate Behavioral Research. 1-13
Boness CL, Loeffelman JE, Steinley D, et al. (2020) Using Complete Enumeration to Derive "One-Size-Fits-All" Versus "Subgroup-Specific" Diagnostic Rules for Substance Use Disorder. Assessment. 27: 1075-1088
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