Colin A. Nurse

McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada 
carotid body, hypoxia
"Colin Nurse"
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Allen W. Chan research assistant McMaster University
Cathy Vollmer research assistant 1987-2015 McMaster University
Min Zhang research assistant 1999-2015 McMaster University
Anthony Stea grad student 1987-1992 McMaster University
Adele Jackson grad student 1991-1997 McMaster University
Huijun Zhong grad student 1992-1997 McMaster University
Roger J. Thompson grad student 1994-2000 McMaster University
Veronica Campanucci grad student 1999-2004 McMaster University
Michael G. Jonz grad student 2000-2004 McMaster University
Stephen Brown grad student 2004-2009 McMaster University
Nikol Piskuric grad student 2007-2012 McMaster University
Shaima Salman grad student 2007-2013 McMaster University
Ian Fearon post-doc 2000-2002 McMaster University
Pablo Reyes post-doc 2007-2009 McMaster University
Angela Scott post-doc 2012-2015 McMaster University
Erin Leonard post-doc 2016-2019 McMaster University
BETA: Related publications


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Leonard EM, Nurse CA. (2023) The Carotid Body "Tripartite Synapse": Role of Gliotransmission. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 1427: 185-194
Leonard EM, Weaver FE, Nurse CA. (2022) Lactate sensing by neuroepithelial cells isolated from the gills of killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus). The Journal of Experimental Biology
Pan W, Godoy RS, Cook DP, et al. (2022) Single-cell transcriptomic analysis of neuroepithelial cells and other cell types of the gills of zebrafish (Danio rerio) exposed to hypoxia. Scientific Reports. 12: 10144
Pan W, Scott AL, Nurse CA, et al. (2021) Identification of oxygen-sensitive neuroepithelial cells through an endogenous reporter gene in larval and adult transgenic zebrafish. Cell and Tissue Research
Leonard EM, Nurse CA. (2020) Expanding Role of Dopaminergic Inhibition in Hypercapnic Responses of Cultured Rat Carotid Body Cells: Involvement of Type II Glial Cells. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 21
Pan W, Godoy R, Cook D, et al. (2020) Unfolding the Mysteries of Oxygen Sensing ‐ A Comprehensive Analysis of the Hypoxic Response in Zebrafish Gills One Cell at a Time via Single Cell RNA Sequencing The Faseb Journal. 34: 1-1
Scott AL, Pranckevicius NA, Nurse CA, et al. (2019) The regulation of catecholamine release from the adrenal medulla is altered in deer mice () native to high altitudes. American Journal of Physiology. Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology
Leonard EM, Zhang M, Nurse CA. (2018) Evidence for protein kinase involvement in the 5-HT- [Ca ] - pannexin-1 signalling pathway in type II glial cells of the rat carotid body. Experimental Physiology
Salman S, Nurse CA. (2018) Molecular Characterization of Equilibrative Nucleoside Transporters in the Rat Carotid Body and Their Regulation by Chronic Hypoxia. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology. 1071: 43-50
Leonard EM, Salman S, Nurse CA. (2018) Sensory Processing and Integration at the Carotid Body Tripartite Synapse: Neurotransmitter Functions and Effects of Chronic Hypoxia. Frontiers in Physiology. 9: 225
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