Eugene R. Wist, PhD

1963-1964 Psychology US Army Medical Research Laboratory, Fort Knox, Kentucky 
 1964-1975 Psychology Franklin & Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, United States 
 1975-2007 Physiological Psychology Heinrich-Heine-Universität Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany 
 2007-2008 St Mauritius Therapieklinik Meerbusch 
Visual perception, animal behaviour, physiological psychology
"Eugene Wist"

1960-1962 PhD student, Psychology, University of Missouri

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Benton J. Underwood research assistant Northwestern
 (Source: Wist (Personal Communication, 2024))
George H. Collier grad student 1960-1962 University of Missouri - Columbia
 (Source: Wist (2024, Personal Communication))
Melvin Marx grad student 1960-1962 University of Missouri
 (Source: Wist, E. R. (1962). Amount, delay, and position of delay of reinforcement as parameters of runway performance. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 63(2), 160–166)
David Premack grad student 1960-1962 University of Missouri (PsychTree)
 (Source: Wist (2024, Personal Communication))
Walter Charles Gogel post-doc 1963-1964 US Army Medical Research Laboratory, Fort Knox, Kentucky (PsychTree)
 (Personal communication (Owens, February 2024))
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