Grant E. Brown

Concordia University (Canada), Montreal, QC, Canada 
Predator-prey, fish ecology, behaivoural ecology, cognitive ecology
"Grant Brown"
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Crane AL, Feyten LEA, Preagola AA, et al. (2023) Uncertainty about predation risk: a conceptual review. Biological Reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society
Ogwo C, Brown G, Warren J, et al. (2023) Dental caries incidence and associated factors in young adults. Journal of Public Health Dentistry
Feyten LEA, Ramnarine IW, Brown GE. (2023) Microhabitat conditions drive uncertainty of risk and shape neophobic responses in Trinidadian guppies, . Ecology and Evolution. 13: e10554
Ogwo C, Levy S, Warren J, et al. (2023) Trajectories of Dental Caries From Childhood to Young Adulthood: Unsupervised Machine Learning Approach. Research Square
Davis J, Casteel C, Brown G, et al. (2023) Fracture risk and opioid use in patients aged 17-64 years: An analysis of administrative claims data. Pharmacotherapy
Joyce BJ, Brown GE. (2022) Olfaction and reaction: The role of olfactory and hypothalamic investment in the antipredator responses to chemical alarm cues by northern redbelly dace. Current Zoology. 69: 738-746
Feyten LEA, Demers EEM, Ramnarine IW, et al. (2022) Assessing effects of predator density and diversity on neophobia in Trinidadian guppies. Behavioural Processes. 201: 104717
Chae S, Cherwin C, Street WN, et al. (2022) Longitudinal Subgrouping of Patients With Cancer Based on Symptom Experiences: An Integrative Review. Oncology Nursing Forum. 49: E17-E30
Gilbert PA, Saathoff E, Russell AM, et al. (2022) Gender differences in lifetime and current use of online support for recovery from alcohol use disorder. Alcoholism, Clinical and Experimental Research
Kontowicz E, Brown G, Torner J, et al. (2022) Days of Flooding Associated with Increased Risk of Influenza. Journal of Environmental and Public Health. 2022: 8777594
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