Guang-Wei Zhang

University of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, United States 
"Guang-Wei Zhang"
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Li Z, Peng B, Huang JJ, et al. (2023) Enhancement and contextual modulation of visuospatial processing by thalamocollicular projections from ventral lateral geniculate nucleus. Nature Communications. 14: 7278
Tao C, Zhang GW, Huang JJ, et al. (2023) The medial preoptic area mediates depressive-like behaviors induced by ovarian hormone withdrawal through distinct GABAergic projections. Nature Neuroscience
Xiao C, Wei J, Zhang GW, et al. (2023) Glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons in pontine central gray mediate opposing valence-specific behaviors through a global network. Neuron
Shen L, Zhang GW, Tao C, et al. (2022) A bottom-up reward pathway mediated by somatostatin neurons in the medial septum complex underlying appetitive learning. Nature Communications. 13: 1194
Li Z, Wei JX, Zhang GW, et al. (2021) Corticostriatal control of defense behavior in mice induced by auditory looming cues. Nature Communications. 12: 1040
Zhang GW, Shen L, Zhong W, et al. (2018) Transforming Sensory Cues into Aversive Emotion via Septal-Habenular Pathway. Neuron
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