Augusto A. Lempel, Ph.D.

2019- Neuroscience Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience 
Visual motion processing, development of visual motion, form integration, functional architecture
"Augusto Lempel"
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Lempel AA, Fitzpatrick D. (2023) Developmental alignment of feedforward inputs and recurrent network activity drives increased response selectivity and reliability in primary visual cortex following the onset of visual experience. Biorxiv : the Preprint Server For Biology
Lempel AA, Nielsen KJ. (2021) Development of visual motion integration involves coordination of multiple cortical stages. Elife. 10
Srinath R, Emonds A, Wang Q, et al. (2020) Early Emergence of Solid Shape Coding in Natural and Deep Network Vision. Current Biology : Cb
Dunn-Weiss E, Nummela SU, Lempel AA, et al. (2019) Visual motion and form integration in the behaving ferret. Eneuro
Lempel AA, Nielsen KJ. (2019) Ferrets as a Model for Higher-Level Visual Motion Processing. Current Biology : Cb. 29: 179-191.e5
Lempel AA, Coll L, Schinder AF, et al. (2016) Chronic Pregabalin Treatment Decreases Excitability of Dentate Gyrus and Accelerates Maturation of Adult-born Granule Cells. Journal of Neurochemistry
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