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James M. Goodman, BA

2013- Committee on Computational Neuroscience University of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
Somatosensory neuroscience
"James Goodman"
Mean distance: 16.16 (cluster 17)
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Suresh AK, Goodman JM, Okorokova EV, et al. (2020) Neural population dynamics in motor cortex are different for reach and grasp. Elife. 9
Yan Y, Goodman JM, Moore DD, et al. (2020) Unexpected complexity of everyday manual behaviors. Nature Communications. 11: 3564
Okorokova E, Goodman JM, Hatsopoulos N, et al. (2020) Decoding hand kinematics from population responses in sensorimotor cortex during grasping. Journal of Neural Engineering
Goodman JM, Tabot GA, Lee AS, et al. (2019) Postural Representations of the Hand in the Primate Sensorimotor Cortex. Neuron
Prendergast B, Brooks J, Goodman JM, et al. (2019) Finger Posture and Finger Load are Perceived Independently. Scientific Reports. 9: 15031
Goodman JM, Bensmaia SJ. (2017) A Variation Code Accounts for the Perceived Roughness of Coarsely Textured Surfaces. Scientific Reports. 7: 46699
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