Lisa A. Ostrin

2001-2006 College of Optometry University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States 
Vision, myopia, accommodation
"Lisa Ostrin"
Mean distance: 16.12 (cluster 17)


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Adrian Glasser grad student 2006 University of Houston
 (Physiology and pharmacology of centrally stimulated accommodation in rhesus monkeys.)
Christine Wildsoet post-doc UC Berkeley
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Tahhan N, Wolffsohn JS, Sankaridurg P, et al. (2023) Editorial: International Myopia Institute White Paper Series 2023. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 64: 1
Ostrin LA, Harb E, Nickla DL, et al. (2023) IMI-The Dynamic Choroid: New Insights, Challenges, and Potential Significance for Human Myopia. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 64: 4
Sankaridurg P, Berntsen DA, Bullimore MA, et al. (2023) IMI 2023 Digest. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 64: 7
Jnawali A, Puri S, Frishman LJ, et al. (2021) Visual function in guinea pigs: behavior and electrophysiology. Clinical & Experimental Optometry. 1-9
Jnawali A, Lin X, Patel NB, et al. (2020) Retinal ganglion cell ablation in Guinea pigs. Experimental Eye Research. 108339
Lou L, Ostrin LA. (2020) Effects of Narrowband Light on Choroidal Thickness and the Pupil. Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science. 61: 40
Ostrin LA, Wildsoet CF. (2020) A Comparison of Applanation and Rebound Tonometers in Young Chicks. Current Eye Research. 1-7
Mirhajianmoghadam H, Jnawali A, Musial G, et al. (2020) In vivo assessment of foveal geometry and cone photoreceptor density and spacing in children. Scientific Reports. 10: 8942
Jnawali A, Mirhajianmoghadam H, Musial G, et al. (2020) The optic nerve head, lamina cribrosa, and nerve fiber layer in non-myopic and myopic children. Experimental Eye Research. 108041
Flanagan SC, Saunders KJ, Queener HM, et al. (2020) Effects of Mydriatics on Rod/Cone- and Melanopsin-driven Pupil Responses. Optometry and Vision Science : Official Publication of the American Academy of Optometry. 97: 198-206
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